16 August 2020

Johan Leman

Migrations into Europe: first half of August. Relevant: the crossing France-Dover

1 August.  Lamorgese, Italy’s interior minister, faced with another arrival of 250 migrants in Lampedusa, says that those who enter Italy in this way, will be returned without their application […]

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31 July 2020

Johan Leman

Migrations into Europe : important facts second half of July 2020: Lampedusa and Tunisia ask attention.

July 15.  31 migrants were found in a fruit transporting refrigerated truck with Turkish number plate at the Czech border near Dresden on the A17. These are men between 18 […]

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15 July 2020

Johan Leman

Migrations into Europe : important facts first half of July 2020

July 1.  Croation border police brutality against migrants. A Bosnian volunteer has handed over 1,600 pages of media reports and personal testimonies to the Austrian Parliament documenting the brutality of […]

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1 July 2020

Johan Leman

Migrations into Europe : important facts second half of June 2020

June 17.  “Sea Watch 3” a German NGO ship, comes to the aid of 100 migrants off the Libyan coast. The plane “Moonbird”, operated by Sea Watch, also assisted a […]

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18 June 2020

Johan Leman

Migrations into Europe : important facts first half of June 2020

June 3.   The Council of Europe urged Malta to allow disembarkation of 400 migrants being held on tourist boats just outside Malta’s territorial waters. The Maltese government relies for its […]

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12 June 2020

Johan Leman

Migrations into Europe: important facts May 2020

May 2.  Malta refuses to let 57 migrants go ashore. First, it wants an EU-deal arranging the resettlement of those 57 migrants among the member states. Malta also points to […]

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31 January 2020

Johan Leman

Orbán and Auschwitz

On 27 January, Viktor Orbán was in Auschwitz for a ceremony of remembrance, 75 years after the concentration camp was liberated. Just a day later, Hungarian police fired three warning […]

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28 January 2020

Johan Leman

Danish religious leaders meet for roundtable discussion

A group of Danish religious leaders has held a roundtable discussion with Johan Leman. The representatives of Muslim, Jewish, and Christian communities asked our president about the stigma which is […]

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27 January 2020

Johan Leman

Bring back children of jihadis, or pay the price

Sorry, but it really was predictable. Sooner or later, it had to happen: a court ruling and a fine. The situation was untenable. You cannot allow children – who, incidentally, […]

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2 January 2020

Johan Leman

284,000 Syrians displaced

On 19 December the Assad-regime and Russia launched several attacks on the Idlib de-escalation zone. On 2 January a counter-attack by the rebels followed. As a consequence of those events […]

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