27 February 2024

Johan Leman

‘I am seen, therefore I am’

Saturday 24 February appeared in DS, much to my surprise, a review by Bas Heijne of the excellent book ‘Narcissism’ by the Austrian philosopher Isolde Charim. The thesis she defends […]

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26 February 2024

Johan Leman

Research into the impact of Ramadan on women’s health

At the University of Antwerp, one is looking for women to participate in a scientific study in Brussels and Antwerp on the impact of fasting during Ramadan on their health. […]

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19 February 2024

Johan Leman

Let’s not help populism!

What do we mean by populism? According to Cas Mudde, populism is a ‘thin’ ideology that sees society in a strongly hostile way divided into a pure ‘people’ and a […]

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15 February 2024

Johan Leman

17 February 1964, a migration format that has since changed

Who does not know the title of the 1964 posters : ” Vous songez à venir travailler en Belgique ? “ When Belgium concluded a bilateral agreement with Morocco on […]

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8 February 2024

Johan Leman

Migration: What is new in an integration perspective?

If I compare the 1990s with today, I see 2 major differences at the base: the place occupied by social media (which has an effect that ‘announcements in policy making […]

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2 February 2024

Johan Leman

Limited but real second- and third-generation returns

The phenomenon is not new: children or grandchildren of migrants, born in a host country (which should actually be their country), who at some point, having grown up young asult, […]

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29 January 2024

Johan Leman

Air quality in Lower Molenbeek

Discover the first, interim results of ExpAIR The study did limit itself to Piers Street, but we nevertheless wonder what the results would be for Ribaucourt Street and Courtois Street […]

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Johan Leman

The vast diversity in the reality of being a migrant

It is urgent that when listing numbers of foreigners and migrants respectively, one should make it clear who exactly one is talking about. If this is not done, the risk […]

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24 January 2024

Johan Leman

Brussels is Europeanising

According to figures from the Belgian Institute for Statistics and Analysis, the following 10 non-Belgian nationalities are the ones that most represent non-Belgians in Brussels in 2023: 1.French: 69,984; 2. […]

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20 January 2024

Johan Leman

The Flemish “diyanetisation” of the administration of Islam in education in the Flemish community

A few weeks ago, the Flemish community rightly noted that there is actually no alternative to the Muslim Executive yet. It is now the case that an administration is needed […]

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