Some young Belgian-Moroccans are seeking their future in Morocco

Johan Leman, 19 June 2024

At the end of the 1980s, the first important message disseminated by the Royal Commissioner for Immigrant Policy was that people of Moroccan and Turkish origin would permanently remain in Belgium. Consequently, acquiring Belgian nationality became a priority. It was particularly observed in the 1990s that many people acquired Belgian nationality.

This achievement is inalienable, and no one wishes to go back, surely not the grandchildren of these people, born in Belgium. However, an interesting phenomenon is currently occurring: a growing interest among some young Belgian-Moroccans in establishing stronger ties with Morocco. This is partly inspired by the opportunities created by globalization, partly by the economic resurgence in Morocco (and the lower taxations for entrepreneurs there in Morocco), and finally, partly by the fear some young people have of the increasing racism in Europe. The Moroccan economy experienced a growth of 3.7% in 2024, compared to 3.4% in 2023. It is believed that it could reach 3.8% in 2026. The IMF even forecasts stronger growth and mentions 4.3% in 2024. In 2024, inflation stands at 3.4%, but it is expected to decrease to 2% in 2025-2026. Economic diversification is increasing, which is again positive.

The young Belgian-Moroccans who are starting businesses in Morocco or dreaming of doing so in the coming years are no longer exceptions. If we are not careful, many dynamic Belgian-Moroccans will leave our country.

Transnationalism is becoming more and more a reality. People are moving and building their lives between two, or even more, countries.
