
Several Foyer departments offer training courses for professionals. With their expertise, they can help organisations, schools, companies,… to gain a better understanding and deeper knowledge of different aspects related to integration and diversity. Below you will find an overview of the training offered by each service.

Would you like to organise a training or would you like more information? Please contact the relevant service.

The prices for the training sessions can be agreed in consultation.

Roma & Travellers

Working with Roma in Brussels

This course is aimed at employees of associations, schools and (government) institutions in Brussels who come into contact with Roma and/or caravan travellers in their daily activities.

Participants will gain insight into the living environment and culture of Roma and/or travellers. Expertise and experiences can be exchanged and concrete tools are provided for working with these target groups.

Training on demand and tailor-made is also possible, you can indicate on which questions and themes you would like to work.

The integral version takes about two and a half hours, but can also be shortened to one and a half hours.

More information:

Intercultural Mediation

Working with an intercultural mediator

An intercultural mediator (ICB) is a bridge figure who, in health and welfare services, helps improve communication between care providers and non-native patients or clients by providing language assistance and cultural interpretation.

But what exactly are the tasks of such an ICB and when is it best to involve a mediator? What points should be kept in mind?

Based on real cases from practice, this training will guide you through the world of intercultural mediation and provide an overview of the most important dos & don’ts to efficiently get started with an ICB.

This training is offered on demand and made-to-measure.

Target audience: care and welfare professionals (possibly in training)

More information:

Information sessions: ‘Aging in your own neighbourhood’

Our service’s multilingual information sessions ‘Aging in your own neighbourhood’ deserve a separate mention. These sessions are aimed at vulnerable older people, with or without a migration background. Over six meetings, they get to know the care provisions in their neighbourhood. The aim is to better coordinate supply and demand within elderly care. ‘Aging in your own neighbourhood’ is available for free to local social associations and our staff ensure sufficient support during the sessions. This method was developed in collaboration with the provinces of Limburg and East Flanders.

PIM (Partners in Multilingualism)

We regularly offer open sessions for professionals that you can subscribe to. Stay up to date with current offerings via our Instagram or newsletter (subscribe at
Bespoke training sessions are also possible. Below we give an overview of the main themes. In consultation, this can be further tailored to the target group.

In addition, we organise information sessions for parents as well, all information on which can be found here.

For more information about the training sessions, please contact us at:

Planting Languages – A strong start to multilingual education

The insights around what a strong multilingual family language policy can entail have evolved. It is important to make language choices in complex contexts that create optimal developmental opportunities but also guard family cohesion and the well-being of all family members. In this session, we will provide information on these current insights and consider, among other things: the social network, the impact of myths, the dynamics of the process.

Dealing with language diversity at school

Many schools are actively developing their own school language policy. In doing so, school teams reflect on their language teaching but also on the use of language in the playground and the support required from parents. In all this, however, they often still take too little account of the process of multilingual language development: How do children learn language? What arrangements can they cope with? What role is best given to parents? We share scientific insights and look at the implications for practice.

Screening – Understanding language problems of multilingual children

Despite efforts by school and parents and, above all, the child, we sometimes notice that language development continues to be difficult. Our first task is then to try to understand the problem: Does context play a role after all? Is there a language disorder? What impact do the child’s emotions and attitudes have? We discuss concrete tools and materials that can be used for this purpose.

Multilingual reading aloud – An interactive workshop on reading aloud in other languages

Based on years of expertise in multilingualism, Foyer vzw has focussed on different initiatives in multilingual reading aloud. This workshop provides a practical explanation of the importance and the many possibilities of multilingual reading aloud. Participants also get practical tips on how multilingual reading can be used for parent involvement. You will be introduced to our multilingual book collection and also to our digital kamishibai.