Exchange trip to Jordan

12 September 2024

September 19

The theme of the exchange is recycling and upcycling. Today, the youngster helped clear rubbish in the mountains of Amman together with the Jordan Youth Innovation Forum!

September 18

The youngsters of Jongerenwerking and ‘Jordan Youth Innovation Forum’ had the chance to get te know each other and present their organisations. They had the opportunity to talk about the projects they already did and the purpose of those projects.

September 16

The youngsters arrived well in Jordan!
After a long 5h flight, they had a nice dinner together before returning to the hotel so that they can start the next few days well rested!

September 12

This Saturday, September 14, 10 youngsters from Jongerenwerking and Foyer des Jeunes will leave for Jordan for 2 weeks. For 10 days, they will exchange ideas with locals on the theme of upcycling, with the aim of giving new life to old things.

The exchange came about thanks to another exchange 10 years ago in Turkey. There, we were able to establish good links with some people from Jordan, giving us the opportunity to travel there now.

The young people have been preparing for a whole year including a visit to the sewage museum in Anderlecht and some mini workshops they have created for the other young people. The young people going are all +18 and themselves (have been) members of Jongerenwerking or Foyer des Jeunes. They volunteer for this exchange, so the trip will definitely be the culmination of their hard work.
