Project Roma@Work 2.0

The Roma is guided to training and work

The full opening of the Belgian employment market to Romanians and Bulgarians on 1/1/2014 has given new perspectives to many Roma in Brussels. Since September 2015, the Europe WSE (until 2023 known as the European Social Fund (ESF) Flanders), with co-financing through the Flemish government and VDAB Brussels, has made funds available to support vulnerable population groups – including Roma – in their orientation and guidance the job market. Since the, Foyer’s Roma and Travellers Service has coordinated the Roma@Work project, which works towards empowerment of Roma in the Brussels-Capital Region through intensive individual counselling to training and employment. From 2024, vzw Groep Intro and JobRoad vzw are partners of the 2.0 version of the project.

The project: Roma@Work

The core ambition of the project is to promote Roma inclusions in society through empowerment. We seek to clarify and develop strengths and interests, strengthen skills to seek employment autonomously and develop soft and hard skills to have a better chance in the labour market. Learning opportunities are provided, strengthening self-confidence. Every year, at least 60 motivated clients are intensively guided by 2 project staff. They are supported by 4 Roma stewards who are responsible for outreaching and who act as confidants bridging the gap with the counsellor (mediation, guidance on preconditions). Their in-depth knowledge of Brussels Roma communities and field experience helps the Roma stewards find suitable candidates to participate in the project.

Then, individual intake and orientation interviews are held with these candidates (self-examination of own possibilities, competences and expectations, preconditions to be met, personal education and training programme, job opportunities, etc.). Finally, an action plan is drawn up with the candidate, including a tailor-made individual programme aimed at training and/or employment.

In the guidance that follows, several steps are distinguished, some of which will develop simultaneously. During the preparation phase, work is mainly done on preconditions to strengthen the social situation (residence, family situation, child care, etc.) and the client’s position as a job seeker (language, application skills, work attitudes, etc.), so that a successful process becomes effectively possible. Next, the client is guided towards adapted competence-enhancing training, internships and/or work. The client’s integration and proper progress at the place of training, internship or work is monitored and adjusted where necessary.

Since the renewal of the project in 2024, there has been intensive cooperation with 2 official partners. Group Intro provides digital coaching for clients and organises specific in-service training (cleaning, construction) and language coaching. JobRoad organises match-making with employers, by sensitising interesting companies and screening and matching candidates on the basis of blind hiring (without CV).

There is also systematic cooperation with regular Brussels partners such as VDAB and Actiris (training and job placement), CAW Brussels (preconditions), Tracé Brussels (expertise sharing and cooperation on vocational orientation and training), Huis van het Nederlands and Centrum voor Basiseducatie Brusselleer (language courses), etc.

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Official partners: