11 november for the “Force Publique Congolaise”

15 November 2021

Video in French

Lotta & PK in the MMM

8 November 2021

Roma in Belgium – Reflections in MMM

22 October 2021

Video in French

On the way to Amsterdam

12 October 2021

Video in English, Dutch and French

Language games in the migration museum

27 September 2021

video in French

Street games

Spanish immigration in Belgium

14 September 2021

Video in French and Spanish

Two new pedestrian bridges in Molenbeek

6 September 2021

Video in French – BX1

Inauguration of the pedestrian bridges in Molenbeek

Video in Dutch en French

Molenbeek : combating radicalism after the attacks

1 September 2021

Video in French – JT RTBF 29/08/2021
